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Is karma a bitch...or do we reap what we sow?

What is karma?

You’re driving home and someone cuts you up, you slam on your brakes, break a nail on the gear stick and yell curses at the inconsiderate piece of poop for ruining your journey home – and let’s not even mention your manicure.

The person driving the other car continues to weave in and out of traffic annoying everyone in his rush to get home.

What about Karma? Why didn’t the guy have his journey ruined by another driver? Why is it that the inconsiderate drivers always seem to be fine? They jump queues, irritate others and manage to get away scott free. Or do they?

Contrary to popular belief, Karma is not a big revenge stick sent out to beat us for our wrong doings. Many would see Karma as judgemental or fatalistic, however each person’s individual Karmic future is entirely decided by their own actions in the present.

We each accrue our own Karmic consequences. Karma is wider than one action causing a reaction and of course sometimes our intentions are subconscious. For example, if one seeks fame for fame’s sake the outcome is temporary or short lived, but if one has fame thrust upon them, unsought, merely as a result or by product, then it is unavoidable. The first choice accrues Karma and must be balanced, however the second is already balanced according to Hindu Karmic laws.

Hindu philosophy teaches that the Karma you accrue dictates your future incarnations and that your next lives will evolve or devolve depending on your actions in this life. In this life we must live according to Dharma.

Dharma is the foundation of life or “that which holds the people of this world” and the root of Dharma is compassion.

Reincarnation is a belief held by Hindus, Buddhists and a lot of Pagans. Funnily enough it was a generally accepted concept within Christianity until Emperor Constantine decided to ban it from their teachings. There are still some references to reincarnation in the bible, for instance, when Jesus asks who the people think he is, the answer is, “Some say you are John the Baptist, others say Elijah; and still others say you are one of the prophets.” A direct reference to reincarnation. “Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever.... All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again…What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4-9) Yet another reference to reincarnation, there are actually quite a few such references. Interesting right?

Karma is a much discussed and very popular idea. As a pagan it is everything, personal responsibility is key. There is no committing of sins and then going to confession to ask forgiveness, no no no. We carry the burdens of our own actions and choices with us. Within Paganism each movement will adhere to it’s own set of rules, however, the general principle of harming none and the Law of threefold tends to influence the decisions of most (but not all) Pagans, be they Wiccan, Witch or any other Pagan. Most Wiccan and some pagans also abide by the Wiccan Rede.

There are theories on various forms of Karma; individual, group, the karma of whole nations or even the entire planet. In a collective situation, for instance with extremists of any kind, we all have the ability to make individual choices such as, how about we don’t choose to massacre innocent women and children? Or kill defenceless human beings who are simply going about their business? Or we don’t choose to make money from the exploitation or mistreatment of fellow human beings or animals?

You see even within the group or collective, we each have the gift of being able to choose our own thoughts and think for ourselves. But ultimately when we think of others first, if we pause, even for a second, to consider Karma or Dharma and show compassion for the person or people who might need our help, perhaps we might make a different choice? This could consequently lead to a collective awakening and ultimately give rise to a world filled with compassionate people who choose to care for each other and Mother Earth, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or sexual preferences.

If you think about it, this is actually a great way to live your life. This world could do with a whole lot more compassion across all nations and walks of life, regardless of your race or religion.

Therefore, personal beliefs aside, being aware of the implications of Karma is truly not a bad way to live your life. If we all stopped to consider the consequences of our intentional actions, would we make different choices? Would you intentionally choose to hurt someone if you knew your actions would generate its own karmic consequences? Would we still drive recklessly and risk the lives of everyone around you just to gain five minutes? Or make any other choice that would negatively impact others?

If everyone in the world stopped to consider others before they proceeded on what could be a selfish path, how soon would we achieve a state of Nirvana on Earth?

If the sentient beings behind Monsanto, or other such exploitative businesses, stopped to consider the health implications for human beings if they consume antibiotics and other chemicals, all cleverly disguised as food, would they still choose to manufacture such harmful products?

If people could pause to consider the devastation to eco-systems and the whole of Mother Earth, would they still needlessly destroy rainforests? Would we hunt and kill animals for the profit of selling body parts, fur or tusks? Or if we stopped to think about the devastation caused to marine life, would we still dump thousands of tons of toxic waste into our seas and oceans?

Perhaps by thinking individually and collectively for our fellow human beings, for animals and plant life we could bring about real change and step closer to peace on this great Mother Earth. Let’s boost our collective Karma and compassionately make choices beneficial to all of humanity and this amazing Mother Earth that is home to everyone.

Thank you for taking time to read my ramblings.

Peace & Light to you ૐ )0(


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