A guaranteed way to a happier You!

Be guided by spirit. This is a phrase commonly used, but what does it mean?
Within each of us lies the key to our problems & the answers to most of our questions, however the real challenge we face is discovering this knowledge. Of course when I speak of problems, I mean deeper issues pertaining to your mind, body and soul, not material or superficial issues like being caught without matching undies or stresses at work, although don’t get me wrong, these are still pretty serious issues that can impact your life and levels of mortification!

In all our life journeys, each and every one of us have accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and a vast amount of experience. There are things that we know yet do not know we know, (sounds convoluted right?). It is indeed both complicated and very simple.
We live busy lives and in this day and age we are driven more and more to have instant access to everything; instant streaming, instant gratification, instant information etc. all handed to us in a quick and easily decipherable manner. We have become impatient – I know for sure that I was a slave to this for a long time, that pinwheel on my iMac or the sand timer (for all you Microsofties out there), would drive me insane, queues and any other form of waiting annoyed me. What changed for me? Spirituality and above all else, meditation.

As a child I would spend endless hours outdoors playing with ladybirds and talking to the fairies at the bottom of my parents garden (or dressing up as a nurse ).
As an adult I retained my love of all things natural, being most at home in the arms of Mother Nature (although I have a somewhat different nurses outfit now ).
Some of us are naturally predisposed to connect with our spirit, to be brief; much depends on our personalities, upbringing and current state of affairs at any given point in our lifetime. For example, my own life has progressed in stages:
As a child I was naturally drawn to nature. I would spend endless hours lying in the garden watching ladybirds crawl over my hand, fascinated by the trees and the fairies that lived at the bottom of my parents garden.
As a teen I was a little wilder and consumed copious amounts of alcohol, however I still enjoyed stillness, solitude and being immersed in music – Guns and Roses & AC/DC were very soothing.
Motherhood brought endless amounts of love and fatigue into my life so stillness pretty much went out the window, along with my figure and my sanity .
But everything in life is cyclical and now with my four daughters nearly all grown and having flown or preparing to fly the nest, I once again find myself taking time to bask in the arms of Mother nature, to meditate and to live a more mindful life.
When I look back over my lifetime so far there is much comfort in knowing that there were no coincidences. Everything that has gone before me has been cumulative in creating the person I am today, if you take time to consider it, this is true for everyone. From being the disgraced 5th child of seven, in a strict Catholic family,who came home pregnant and dropped out of university; to being so young and caught in an abusive marriage; to bringing further disgrace when I filed for divorce and was locked in the house by a deranged husband who decided to smash up our family home, (I filed for an injunction to get him to leave); to finally going back to university to complete my teacher training, which I began with two young daughters and finished – with honours – with four. My life has been tough and joyful and magical and there is not one part of it that I would go back and change, for it created me. We all have our own challenges and demons to face, the key is not to let it consume you, and connecting with spirit is a sure fire way to walk through the flames, relatively unscathed, to discover that you have emerged as a stronger and wiser version of you. I hope in some way to inspire any women (or men) in similar situations to stand strong, you are not alone and there is always a way out.

I once more hear and have reconnected with my spirit (although in truth I never really disconnected), and live a life assisted by my angels, spirit guides and ancestors. A life that is now filled with magick.

Meditation is the key: This is the simple part. Don’t worry about things like transcendental meditation, or images of Buddhist monks or any other concept in your mind that might make meditation feel inaccessible to you.
Meditation is fundamentally about controlling your breathing and stilling your body and mind. So basically sit still and breathe. Anyone can do this! At first you may feel that you have to quiet or suppress your thoughts, this is a misconception, let the thoughts come and then let them go, as if you are observing your mind from the outside.
Visualisation: When things or people bother me, I visualise them floating away on a big black cloud, and as they float away I breathe deeply and slowly, focussing only on my body, my lungs and on releasing all the tension, (particular tense spots tend to be the jaw, neck, face, shoulders and sometimes your tummy – so pay close attention to these areas). Visualisation can also be positive; one really effective method that I use is to ‘earth’ my energies and draw positive energy through the earth into my body, visualising it as a golden light that flows into and fills me, healing and cleansing as it courses throughout.

Your mind is a powerful tool, and once you begin to harness it and become the master of your thoughts, instead of allowing your thoughts to rule you, you will find that many stresses ease or disappear from your life.
Finding time to still your mind and body, in the busy world we live in, is a true act of self love, for you are taking care of you. Once you begin to make small changes to your daily life, taking time to be still, this is when you allow yourself to connect and begin to hear spirit; the small wise voice that guides and advises us throughout all our incarnations.
I hope this has been in some small way beneficial to you and I thank you for the time taken to read any part of my ramblings.
Remember if you find yourself walking through flames, keep walking, safe in the knowledge that it cannot consume you unless you allow it to. We are all a work in progress.
In humility, I wish you peace & light in your darkest times my friends.ૐ
Blessed Be )0(